
Seven Reasons to Stop Posting Politics on Social Media

As I scroll through my Facebook feed, I am reminded of all reasons why it’s never a good idea to share your political views online. Even though large businesses may jump on the bandwagon, small businesses and individuals may not be afforded the same support. I feel compelled to share Lydia Ramsey’s article. Below are seven summarized reasons why it is suggested you never do it:

  1. You could lose a client – You and your clients might agree on any number of issues, but there is always a chance that politics is not one of them.
  2. You could lose a friend – We are hesitant to discuss politics face-to-face with even our closest friends. That is not a bad thing. However, plenty of people do not hold back for a minute when plastering their beliefs all over the Internet, especially Facebook.
  3. You are wasting your time – Your chances of changing someone’s mind are pretty much non-existent.
  4. Using Facebook to rant is the wrong platform – If you strongly believe that your opinion deserves to be shared, post it to a political blog or on a news site.
  5. Facebook is open to the world – Anyone can access your page. Not only can friends and family see what you post, but clients, employers, and job recruiters can also read your page as well.
  6. Leave politics to the media – There is more than enough coverage by our 24/7 media channels. They are probably not changing opinions either, try as they might.
  7. Use Facebook as it was intended – Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004 to connect people and establish communities. Nowhere is it stated that he did it to create antagonism.

This article is specific to Facebook but really applies to all social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Your kids are being infiltrated as well. Let’s remember not everyone agrees with your political views personally but, more importantly, professionally.